
The history of handwriting analysis has been around since Aristotle, the Greek philosopher of the 3rd century B.C. The first treatise on the subject was written in 1612 by Italian physician, Camillo Baldi, and the first formal system to study handwriting was created in the 1800’s by French monk, Jean Michon. The term “graphology” is the generic term for all forms of handwriting analysis.

There are two major types of handwriting analysis: The Gestalt method, called Graphology, which looks at the handwriting as a whole; and the Trait Method, called Graphoanalysis, which focuses on the individual strokes of handwriting to determine the character and personality of the writer.

What Your Handwriting Reveals…

Your handwriting is a mirror of yourself and is a product of your mental capacity. Like a photograph, at a specific moment, your handwriting will reveal more about you than you may think. No matter how you are taught to write at school, your handwriting will eventually take on your own personal style and become a unique guide to your personality and character.

Psychologists consider handwriting as a movement that reveals your physical, mental and emotional state at the time of the writing. Handwriting is considered brain writing; our brain prints or writings that reveal who we are and how we think, feel and behave. And, like our fingerprints, they remain uniquely our own forever. No two people ever have the exact same handwriting.

Most of us at one time or another, has written a letter, a postcard, memo, and/or received one. The reason most of us write, is to communicate our thoughts and feelings. When you put your writing instrument to the surface of your paper, it will reveal both consciously and sub-consciously, your basic personality traits. No matter how hard you try, your writing will reveal your true personality.

Today graphology and graphoanalysis are taught in many leading universities of Europe, Israel, Russia and South America. In the U.S. it was considered more of an entertainment and for those reasons educators have been slower in recognizing the validity of handwriting analysis and its many uses. Only recently have universities and colleges in the United States begun to give this wonderful science the consideration it merits. Many businesses, law enforcement agencies, members of the medical and psychological fields make use of the science of handwriting analysis.

This video does a great job explaining some handwriting personality traits. I found it interesting that it was pointed out that the upper “t’ cross bar which shows willpower, motivation, goal-setting and self-confidence. The letter “t” is the strongest trait indicator of personality.


Click here to discover how to analyze your handwriting and discover your career potential.

2 Responses to

  1. Ling: Thank you for your comment….looking forward to having you in my class in the fall 2016 at Pomperaug High School. To sign up, please contact: Greg Forte at Education Connections: (203) 592-5449 or (860-299-6745)


  2. Ling Noonan says:

    Great interview on WATR. Can’t wait to take your Southbury class.


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